Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Yep, that's what the lady at Lund's said to me last night after she slid my TCF check card through the machine. I said, "What?" And, she said, "Your card has been denied." And, really she didn't have to say it so loudly.

This was puzzling (not to mention embarrassing) to me since I had just checked my balance yesterday afternoon after Terry made a large (the kind that covers the house payment) deposit. Plus, at the time of Terry's deposit there was enough already in the account to cover another house payment.

Terry and I had purchased some Valentine's yesterday and I had used the card a lot, but still, all totaled, I think my purchases were under $200 and that included lunch and a treat at Caribou where we stopped by to see Katie who was working there yesterday.

So, I looked at the lady (as I noticed all the others in line irritated that I was taking so much time and wondering about how out of control my life was that I couldn't purchase a lemon, a small personal size heart cake for my mom, and a heart gift bag without being denied...I'm not paranoid or anything!) and I said, "What does it say?"

She said, "It says blocked." I said, "Blocked?" At this point the not so helpful bagger girl says loudly, "Oh, you have probably gone over your maximum purchases allowed in a day." I said, "I don't have a maximum amount in purchases per day."

Then, I said to the lady, "Can I write a check?" She said, "Sure." So, I wrote out a check for $8.79 (out of the same account that was denied!), came home, and called TCF to see why my account was blocked. I told her that my card had been denied and she looked at my records and said, "No, it wasn't. Nothing was showing as having been submitted even. If they had submitted it and it was denied, she would be able to tell me why, but they hadn't even submitted it."

Puzzled, I said, "But, she told me it said blocked." Oh, said TCF lady, "Blocked is a totally different thing. When it says blocked, that is a problem in the Lund's system that is preventing the purchase from even being submitted for payment."

It did explain why the bagger girl also told me not to worry, this had happened to a lot of people today!

Someday, I will tell you all my exciting adventures with the TCF check card fraud people....who like to put holds on your card after you use it because they are not sure you are you!


Cox said...

I feel your pain. I've had problems with TCF since the mid 90's, and was unable to ever leave because they'd closed my account several times.

Yup, when they close an account(because a teenager overdraws his account and then doesn't pay back into it because he's a teenager), it goes on your check score and other banks won't touch you for 4 years.

You got off easy...

pjpfau said...

I don't know if your problem at Lunds yesterday was their fault or TCF's but almost every time I shop there I end up a bit irritated when I get home and look at my receipt.

Almost without exception, I get overcharged on at least one item...last week it was FIVE! (It would have been six but I happened to catch one $1.49 overcharge on pickles as she was ringing them up). I love to shop there but since I'm a frugal Franny, I watch the prices closely and only shop the endcaps mostly for sale items. Last week I must have been there the day they put up their sale displays and sale signs and hadn't entered the new prices in the computer yet. I think they should do it the other way around.

I didn't bother to go back for the 4 or 5 dollars I was overcharged because I didn't want to take the time.

Cub has a much better record for accurate prices but then again shopping at Cub isn't not nearly as pleasant...

Linda said...

Just to clarify, the check for $8.79 sailed right on through even though the check card from that same account wouldn't work.

The Colonel said...

i had a similar event happen last Sunday at my local Chinese eatery. The guy swiped my card and he said it was canceled or something like that. I said "umm, no. what does that even mean?"

after staring at it blankly he realized it was a problem with their credit card machine. he swiped it again and we were fine.

Diane Dahlen said...

...or you can shop at Rainbow. At least there you KNOW what to expect! YOu KNOW you'll wait in line because there are only 2 check-out lanes open (while 10 are dark and waiting)and your "bag lady" is so slow you end up bagging your own groceries using the neighboring bags. But...they are close to home so I keep going...

Nikki said...

Two words:

Simon Delivers!

(actually, we haven't used Simon for awhile now...but it sure is convenient! A little more pricey - but then again you're more likely to buy only what you need and less likely to impulse purchase, so it kind of balances out. :)).

Adam Omelianchuk said...

Ha! This happened to me once after I baught 7 or 8 books online in a period of about 30 minutes. I was told by the TCF person that the rate of purchases triggers a fraud prevention service that blocks further purchaes.