Thursday, September 03, 2009

Our state fair is the best state fair, don't miss it, don't even be's the best state fair in the state!

September 1. A beautiful day to head on over to St. Paul for the great Minnesota Get Together. We started with the usual. An Americano from the Java Jive and mini donuts. Not just any mini donut, mind you, they must be Tom Thumb donuts. You know, the ones right next to Ye Old Mill. (Forgot to document this with a photo, you will have to use your imagination.)

Lunch was the usual Pronto Pup. NOT CORN DOG! It's the "Wiener dun in a bun" "Since 1947"!

Beth went with me to play The Office game. It was the ever popular "Throw the Crumpled Memo in the File Drawer" game! I'll have you know that my first memo (of three tries) went right in that file drawer and I won a bag! Inside the bag was a coupon for a breakfast sandwich at Sonic! Hmmm, will I have to declare that sandwich on my taxes next year? I think prizes are taxed...

Cheese curds, karaoke, and Nathan Johnson a winning combination. (All you Eagan Republicans, be sure and vote for Nathan for state rep in 2010).

Honey sticks at the Horticulture Building. A must have.

Chris had his Dole Whip.

The turkey leg at Heritage Square. Beth fell asleep. All that tryptophan.

Every year I insist on this photo. Every year, he complies. What a guy!

Princess Kay and a 90 pound slab of butter. Need I say more?

Met up with Will. He shared Grandpa's fruit plate and box of fudge. Your two basic food groups.

Nikki sang. Lovely.

Will "listened" to Mommy sing.

So did Samantha.

What do you know. The cousins ran into each other outside the Corn Roast. Time for "Jazz Hands" everyone!

It was off to the Midway for the only game that you can almost always win. The "Toss the Whiffle Ball in the Goblet" game. Put a little English on it and you can usually get yourself a stuffed piece of junk for only $30 in tickets.

Although Chris won "Shamu" in this game. Of course he played against only his siblings, so someone in the family was bound to win!

Big. Fat. Bacon. Nuff said.

Sweet Martha's Cookies and milk on the way out of the fairgrounds. Nuff said.

Ran into Jeremy and Jennifer also eating cookies. Stopped to chat. Fireworks started. We had the perfect seats AND cookies and milk! What good fortune. A great day at the fair!

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