Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm in the Lord's Army, Yes, Sir!

I know that the church is a body.

And, I know that the church is the bride of Christ.

The Bible says this directly.

But, the only place I can find the church being called an army is in the great, old, Sunday School song.

A shiny, new quarter to anyone who can find where the church is called an army?

Not the metaphor of Christians being like soldiers.

I mean where the church is called an army.

1 comment:

terryd said...

If "like a good soldier" in Paul's writing means that the Church should be patterned after an army...

...then "be wise as serpents" in the Gospels means that the Church should be patterned after a viper's nest...right?

Can you say Hermeneutical Anarchy?