Saturday, September 29, 2007

2005 Miami U. Cheezies a cappella: Facebook Song

I have a facebook.

I started it about a year ago, but wasn't sure what a facebook was so I didn't use my name. I used my favorite alias name...Henry Baxter Williams.

I have 5 friends. They are people who found out I have a facebook and asked me to be their friend.

I am too afraid to ask anyone to be my friend because I am afraid they will say "No." Of course, anyone I would ask would probably say no anyway since they have no idea who Henry Baxter Williams is in the first place.

So, if you have a facebook and want to be my friend, just go to that name and if I know you, I will be your friend.

Of course, the dilemma is that I really don't know what to do with a facebook. I took the Back to the Future test and scored 80%. I poked Jeremy once, but that gets a little old.

In conclusion, if you have a facebook, this song is for you and if you want to be my friend, just ask.


Holly said...

I had actually searched for you, but could never find you! Well, now I have.

Linda said...

And I thank you for asking me to be your friend. I have accepted your invitation!