Monday, May 12, 2008

The Most Annoying Song Ever

Okay, this is hysterical!


Some guys who I have never heard of surveyed a bunch of people in an attempt to write the most annoying song they could.

The annoying elements according to Wired include "holiday music, bagpipes, pipe organ, a children's chorus and the concept of children in general (really?), Wal-Mart, cowboys, political jingoism, George Stephanopoulos, Coca Cola, bossanova, banjo ferocity, harp glissandos, oompah-ing tubas, and much, much more. It's actually a fascinating listen, worthwhile for the opera rapping alone."

It's kind of long and I admit I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but, I loved the beginning.


Crazy mom said...

This is just plain weird! I do take exception at bagpipe music being included in this though. We happen to REALLY like bagpipe music over here; although I am not quite sure what all those other noises are with the bagpipes.


Holly said...

I LOVE the opera rapping and I love bagpipes at the end of the opera rap.

I also love polka.

This song makes Andy laugh.

Holly said...

One thing that is weird is all the layering of strange noises.

Also the "AT WALMART" is annoying.

But really, I think I've heard worse.

Take the Wiggles or Barney for example.

Barney could reduce a grown man to tears.

BTW Lucy is now dancing to this song. Apparently my children have horrible taste in music. We LOVE cowboy songs!

Linda said...

"But really, I think I've heard worse.

Take the Wiggles or Barney for example," says Holly.

"Ha, ha, ha!" says Linda!

prairierose said...

I listened to all 21 min.57 sec. just out of stubbornness...very strange, but the beginning was enjoyable.

Holly said...

I think we have our alternative to waterboarding!!

Linda said...

For those of you who listened to the whole thing, did they mention George Stephanopoulos in the song? I think his wife is much more annoying than him (not to mention very vulgar).

I love the clip clop of the horses early on. The opera rapping reminds of Ana Gasteyer when she did the bit with Will Farrell as middle school music teachers on SNL.