Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Michelle Obama vs. Me

Last Friday, while at Sears paying the Discover bill, I noted these Land's End shoes were 50% off. I pondered whether or not a new pair of shoes for $20 would be a frivolous expense. I decided they would be worthwhile and nicely complement my $2.50 Old Navy flip flops for those times when I needed something more substantial in a foot covering.
Michelle Obama worked at a food bank in these babies. $540 by some designer I have never heard of. These people really tick me off.

1 comment:

Crazy mom said...

Why, oh why, would ANYONE spend that much money on a pair of tennis shoes (and ugly ones at that)! I just don't get it. They're shoes after all - they get dirty, they get stepped on and in a year she;ll look at them and think about how out of style they now are and will never wear them again!

Okay, I'm done. I'm still wearing my Old Navy flip-flops ($5 from last year)