Monday, February 16, 2009

Gerald Celente

In the last few days, I have heard the name Gerald Celente from several different sources. I am really hoping the guy is a nutcase.

Mr D. first mentioned him last Friday when I told him about a Rod Dreher blog post I had read. I reacted to that post buy buying 3 pounds of rice and 2 pounds of dried black beans. Mr. D reacted to that blog post by clicking on some of the links and came across Gerald Celente's web page.

We discussed our finds while walking our 2 miles and conclulded, well, we concluded nothing exactly! Oh, yeah, I think we decided to not let the gas tank get below half.

So then, on Saturday night, someone we know very well (who is not prone to overreacting like I am) e-mailed me and said she had seen this guy named Celente on TV on Saturday and he made some sense. It might be a good idea to have some extra food around the house.

Then, I Googled and found Celente on You Tube. One of them was an interview on Russia Today! I thought the Russian interviewer asked smarter questions than the average American reporter.

Then, this morning I went to Rod Dreher's Crunchy Con's blog and there was the interview. The blog post was entitled "Cannibalism by Christmas". Here's the link.

Here's the RT interview. Whatever you do, don't Google "amero".

Anyone have any great recipes for rice and beans?

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