Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Found Some Money

Since it appears we are going to be paying for college and healthcare for all Americans, we have been looking for ways to save our pennies so that we are able to give more to our Uncle Sam who is bankrupt.

Here is what we have come up with. We saved over $600 per year by raising the deductible on our home owners insurance from $250 to $1000. That knocked $50 off of our mortgage payment and we will get a nice little check in the mail for the difference, since our escrow is now overfunded. If we can go a little over a year without a claim, we are ahead of the game.

Terry redid his term life insurance. When he signed up many years ago, they were using old actuarial tables. We stayed with Allstate. Even though he is older and stayed with the same company, the premium is, get this, $1,934 less per year!

Milk. Did you know that you can get 2 gallons of milk at Holiday for $5.00! I'm sure some of you did. But, how handy is that. You go to Holiday and have to go in anyway to use your Cub gas coupons and since you are there, you just grab 2 gallons of milk. Or, if you are Barb, you just grab 10 gallons of milk. Anywho, I'm thinking we go through 3 or 4 gallons a week. Let's say 3, and save about $1 per gallon. That's $150 to spend on mochas at Caribou.

So, those are my tips for when Obama raises taxes. What are yours? Let's share.

In particular, we need advice on the cable thing. Right now we are bundled with Qwest and have Direct-TV. I NEED Fox news and the Food Channel, so getting rid of the cable is not an option! What do you recommend?

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