Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Pope's Blog

Okay, I'm not sure I should be letting people know this, but, the Pope has a blog. Have you been there?

His latest post is entitled "It's Hard Out There for a Pope."

I discovered it while reading my niece Mindy's comments from her blog from last spring. She is in India at the moment and is apparantly too busy to blog, but I was reading her old posts.

Anyway, the Pope, even commented on Mindy's blog! I'm sure I won't be that lucky, but you can read about his life and such interesting things as visits with Peter Jackson to The Lord of the Rings set, and his Inside the Actor's Studio interview in which he is asked his least favorite word (which also happens to be his favorite curse word)...and that word, of course is "Luther."

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I've read the Pope's blog and I love it! It's nice he rubs shoulders with us sub-Holy people.