Friday, June 06, 2008

Poetry Friday

We were in Iowa on Monday, so I didn't blog my usual Monday poem. I was just going to skip it for the week and then Mr. D sent me an e-mail with a link to a poem that John Piper had written for his wife on the anniversary of the day they first met...40 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Pipster, Mr. D penned me this lovely poetic masterpiece.

Oh, and hey, Mr. D, love you back. Let's go out tonight (and move some furniture out of a condo).


An Untitled Love Poem
by Terry Dugan

Roses are
Violets are,
We started dating
Back at
The U.

And the rings on
The oak tree and
Stuff wasn't blooming,
And the sky in
The freshness of winter
We went out for
Spaghetti....I dono.

--Love, Me


Crazy mom said...

Very nice! I'm still waiting for Chris to write me one...


pjpfau said...

Wow... that simply takes my breath away... ; )
