Monday, June 23, 2008

Who Says?

There is a rumor going around that the birthday photos are taken, but never seen. It's not true. Here is proof. First of all, Katie's Byerly's cake. What happened? It wasn't anything like what we ordered, and why did the frosting fall off, and it looks like they ran out of blue frosting on that one flower and finished with one petal of yellow. What's up with that?
Don't we look happy? That's because there was a half a gallon of ice cream for every guest at the party! Seriously, a dozen guests and that much ice cream! Must have been on sale that week!

I found an Indy cake at Target for Chris. We went to pick it up on Saturday morning after coffee at Starbucks and lo and behold the fire trucks were arriving and Target was closed due to an electrical fire! They reopened in the middle of the afternoon just in time for me to pick up the cake. Unfortunately, on the way to the car, the boulder gave way and knocked Indy down. Poor Indy, in the movie he escaped.

Here's the photo that Mark says he's never seen one of. Just in this post alone he's seen two! And, seriously, I really need a haircut.


Holly said...

Thank you THANKYOU for posting this! I just called Target to order my Indiana Jones cake for Andy's birthday!!! Wooooo hoooooo!

Linda said...

Watch the boulder. There is a lever on the back that releases the boulder and allows it to roll. Don't hit a bump in the parking lot or it gets tripped, the boulder rolls, and Indy goes down!

Crazy mom said...

The cake drama around your house is more than I can bear :)