Friday, March 02, 2007

Thoughts on a Snow Day

Today is a "Snow Day" at Heritage Academy. It's time to sip some Caribou (thanks Katie!) and think some deep thoughts. To see how deep the snow is, check out Chris's bedroom view.

First, therapy yesterday was more boring than painful. All that dread of her putting me on a rack to bend my wrist didn't pan out. That worry was totally wasted. (My wrist aches, but that's why they invented Motrin).

Terry and I have been reflecting on the past decade or so and have decided that life has gotten too complicated. The word simplify comes to mind. We don't want to always be running, we want to have time for family, friends, and neighbors, we want to enjoy God, not "be busy" for God, we want to find some widows and orphans and help them. We want to figure out the church thing and think it's something way different than a certified non-profit with a building.

I was reading Life as a Vapor by John Piper last night. It is a book of 31 meditations, and as I often do--mostly with novels (bad me, my family tells me this is wrong), I read the last page. It's the prayer for that day and it's my prayer for right now.

Here it is:

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
And while you tarry, keep us free
from the sin of this world.
Oh, make our little lives count
for the glory of Your name
and for the fame of Your Father.
Rivet our attention on Your cross,
and fuse our affections to Yourself,
Waken our compassion for all who suffer,
especially those who are rushing toward
everlasting misery because of unbelief.
So open our mouths and open our hands
and open our wallets while we have breath,
and make us the most radically loving people
on earth, for the joy of all peoples
and the renown of Your name.


pjpfau said...

Amen to everything.

terryd said...

I hadn't read your post until this moment, and though you already know what I think, here's my "amen" as well.

I misted up when I read that prayer just now (I'm not that far yet in the book;))...this has to be very close to what matters most.