I'm a bad list maker. I like the idea of lists and they certainly make life more efficient. But, I always think I'm too busy. Consequently, I make the list in my head. This used to work for me, but lately I'm finding that the circuits are overloaded and I forget more stuff.
In the interest of focusing on what matters to me now that we find ourselves "church shopping"(I know,bad us, shopping for a church, how unspiritual), I thought I should make alist for myself so I remember what I am looking for.
I will add one item each day. They are not necessarily in order of importance. Just in the order that comes to my mind.
#1. Bible reading. I want to go to a church where they read the Bible.
Oh, now I am realizing that this is getting more complicated because I have a list of "Bibles" that I want churches to read! Oh, now I am getting picky! But,I am looking for a literal translation.
I like what Focus on the Family recommends. I've also included their "bad translation" list.
FOTF says:
Since Focus does not employ textual or translation experts, we have relied on outside scholars for advice regarding Bible translations -- notably the conservative leaders who signed the Colorado Springs Guidelines for Translation in 1997.
Based on their input, we use or recommend the following Bible versions:
Gender-Specific Translations
Essentially Literal, "word-for-word" translations:
KJV King James Version
NKJV New King James Version
NASB New American Standard Bible
ESV English Standard Version
HCSB Holman Christian Standard Bible
RSV Revised Standard Version
Dynamic Equivalence, "phrase-for-phrase" translations:
NIV New International Version
NIrV New International Reader's Version (1998 Revision)
Focus on the Family does NOT use or recommend the following gender-neutral Bibles:
TNIV Today's New International Version
NLT New Living Translation
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
NCV New Century Version
CEV Contemporary English Version
GW God's Word
NIVI New International Version Inclusive Language Edition
Okay, so we have read the Bible as number 1 on the list. I want to hear the Bible read when I go to church.