Wednesday, July 26, 2006


kitsch \KICH\, noun:
1. Art characterized by pretentious bad taste.

That definition seems a little harsh to me. I like kitsch. And, we delighted in visiting a lot of "kitschy" places in the good old US of A. Here are photos from a few of them. For example, we went to the mystery vortcx called "The Cosmos" in Keystone, SD. This is a place where something has gone dreadfully wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull and perhaps the space-time continuum, as well.

Here's how it all was discovered.

We were all standing straight when this photo was taken. But, with the Earth's gravitational pull being confused in this location, we all appear to be standing crooked.

Beth floated in her chair.

What could be more kitschy and fun than the WPA project dinosaurs on Dinosaur Hill in Rapid City.

I guess the Wall Drug could be more kitschy than Dinosaur Hill. Here we are at it.

Beth and Katie enjoyed an authentic wagon ride at the Wall Drug.

And, missing from this post is the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. It would seem that Chris was driving as we passed Mitchell. He and Terry were careful not to wake me up as the exit went by...


Tipler said...

Is it ever too late to make your family go on a South Dakota vacation with you? I've brought it up off and on during the last couple of decades and always get poo-poo'd.

Looks like you Dugans had a great time.

Linda said...

We were sneaky and attached the SD stop to a business trip to Denver, so Chris was stuck with us!

Nikki and Mark caravaned with us to Denver, but had to get back to help entertain their nieces while Mark's brother and his wife were on a missions trip, so they missed out on all the kitsch!

Thanks for checking in on my blog. I read yours and enjoyed the sink story...told Terry about it...but, I haven't figured out how to add a comment since it's a xanga.