Thursday, July 27, 2006

Somebody, please make me stop!

In early July we bundled through Qwest. It was a nightmare to do, but we ended up with faster Internet and more TV channels for less $$$ so I think it was worth it.

However, I have recently stumbled upon the BYU channel. Yes, the Brigham Young University channel and have found myself lingering and listening. Has anyone else tuned in to BYU?

First of all, they talk about the Lord all the time, but never read from the Bible. They do however read from the 1831 prophecies that Joseph Smith got and are forever talking about Sister "So and So" and Brother "Thus and Such" and Apostle "Something or the Other"

Here's a hint...whenever a group ingores the Bible and refers constantly to and quotes from "Apostles" that most people have never heard might just want to ask a couple of questions.

Here's one to start with, "What in the world are you thinking?"

Now I gotta get back to BYU and the history of the persecution in Nauvoo, IL that led to the great exodus to Salt Lake City.

Somebody, please make me stop!


Mike said...

I haven't seen the TV channel....but I have on several occasions, visited the Temple in Mesa, AZ. They gave my sister and I the "Book of Mormon," which is quite entertaining....I guess.

As I recall, Nauvoo, IL is the place that Joseph Smith was living in when he was arrested and killed by a "mob." That caused the Church (of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints) to split, one group going back to NY and the other going to Salt Lake City.

Anyways, I hope that you found that show interesting.

Linda said...

You are on top of things, Mike!

We have been to the jail in Nauvoo. I took a phone call and missed the part on the BYU channel that said why he got arrested, but I'm sure they told us at the Nauvoo jail and I suppose I could google it, but I'll just wait till they rerun the program which they seem to do a lot.

God bless you on your missions trip.