Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm not going to read through Bible this year!

Yes, that is right. I have tried numerous times to do one of those "Read through the Bible in One Year" programs. Usually the first few days of January are great. Then, a day is missed, and the whole program is messed up and turns into a guilt trip or a game of catch up.

So, I am not going to read the Bible through this year. Instead, I am going to have the Bible read to me! Yep, I have discovered a great RSS feed that will send you the daily readings that will take you through the Bible in a year AND, here's the best part, you can have a guy read it to you!

Not just any guy, mind you, but a guy with a slightly British accent does the reading. I was amazed at how easy it was to get through a day's worth of reading when you can follow along with the words and have a guy pronounce all the unique names of people and places.

Here's my favorite part. The site uses the ESV translation. None of this NLT or Message stuff, but a literal translation, not an interpretation.

So, if you want a guy with a theatrical, slightly British accent to read you the Bible, go here and sign up for the program of your choice. That's right, you even get to choose the reading plan you wish to follow. I chose "Every Day in the Word".


Holly said...

One year I was going to read through the Bible in a year... I only got about half way through. Then the next year I made a goal to finish it. On December 31, I was only in Romans,and I was determined to finish before I would allow myself any festivities. So I sat in the basement and read from Romans through Revelation.

I am not sure I got much out of it because you can only read so much before your brain can't process any more scripture, and it kind of defeated the purpose of reading the Bible daily. But I did finish it. And it was kind of fun to read the Bible as I would a book of poetry or a novel.

We also bought the Bible on CD. It's pretty fun that way and relaxing!

Wally Family said...

I decided not to put myself on a time line...I'm just reading the Bible, reading as much (or as little) as I want to each day. Whenever I try to do the One Year Bible thing, it turns into a chore...just trying to get through the words on the page, not letting them sink in. It still takes discipline, of course, but at least I'm reading to know God more deeply instead of trying to check off a box someone told me I should!

Wally Family said...

By the way, this is babyWally's mom posting. :)

Diane Dahlen said...

The one year Bible hasn't worked for me either. Always behind and feeling guilty and not getting much out of it as I plow through the chapters. This year I decided to read larger chunks of Scripture at a time in the .... yes, 'tis true - The NLT! By the way, it really is a translation - not a paraphrase - so that comforts me (I read that in the introduction). I read Romans in two sittings (never did that before) and had my socks blessed off! Happy Bible reading in 2008!

Diane Dahlen said...

The One-year Bible hasn't worked for me either. I'm always behind, feeling guilty and then playing catch-up. Hard to concentrate under those conditions. This year I decided to read larger chunks of Scripture at one sitting in the yes....'tis true, in the NTL! It is a translation - not just a paraphrase (I read about it in the introduction) and that comforts me. I read through Romans in two sittings, something I haven't done before, and had my socks blessed off!
Happy Bible reading in 2008!