Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Fox is Guarding the Hen House

Jennifer has this on her political blog. It's long, 9 minutes, but it offers some insight that is hard to find on MSNBC. ;-)

Every time I see Dodd or Frank blaming McCain, the Republicans, Bush, the free market system, or whoever, I want to shout to the world, "Hey, world, you've got the fox guarding the hen house."

And, the blame shifting? Well, I guess that goes back to The Garden. You know, it was the woman, no it was the serpent. Whoever it was, we ended up with a problem that had to be fixed by someone who had NOTHING to do with it. And, it cost a lot.

1 comment:

Teacher/Mom said...

Hi there,
This video was taken down by You Tube under pressure from Time Warner stating the music is copywrited. Guess who is one of Obama's big contributers? You got it - Time Warner. Go to this page to get the new embed code for the new version with non-copywrited music.