Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I predict that Biden will drop out of the race (for some reason that will make him look good, like his family needs him or something like that) by the end of September and Hillary Clinton will be the new running mate.

You heard it here first.


Teacher/Mom said...

I've said the same exact thing! The problem is if that happens, I think that will ensure the loss of the Republicans. At this point in time I think the best thing we can do is storm the gates of heaven with prayer against an Obama win.


Linda said...

I heard the Hillary scenario discussed on Fox and Friends this morning, but it came to me last night after I dropped Beth off at church and was listening to Hugh Hewitt on the way home.

Hugh played Joe saying Hillary was better qualified and I thought there was no reason he would have said that unless he is really stupid or it was part of a set up.