Friday, August 24, 2007

Duncan Hunter?

I found this test at truth v. the machine.

It seems that Duncan Hunter is my man.

Anyone know who Duncan Hunter is?

Fred Thompson came in at number 2.

Dennis Kucinich came in dead last. No surprise there.


Holly said...

Okay... so I answered every abortion question as extremely antiabortion as possible... and still Kucinich came up my top person. I am a freak of nature.

Holly said...

Dennis Kucinich 69.90 %
Joe Biden 67.23 %
Hillary Clinton 62.38 %
Sam Brownback 60.44 %
Barack Obama 59.71 %
John Edwards 59.47 %
Chris Dodd 56.55 %
Bill Richardson 55.34 %
John McCain 49.76 %
Mike Huckabee 47.82 %
Ummm... see what I mean???? And I am extremely opposed to abortiona and embryonic stem cell research!

What in the world will I do?

Holly said...

abortiona???? What is that? Sounds like the name of a daughter of some NOW leader. Of course I meant to say "abortion."

Linda said...

I love it!

What questions did you answer that would give you 60.44 for Brownback and 59.71 for Obama!

You are just all over the map!


I still don't know who Duncan Hunter is (although my sister took notes during the debate and had given him good marks), but I would happily vote for Duncan Hines!